
Naloxone Distribution Project:

Application for Naloxone and Fentanyl Test Strips

About the Naloxone Distribution Project (NDP)

The Naloxone Distribution Project (NDP) provides free naloxone to eligible organizations. To check if your organization is eligible, please see the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) webpage. Individuals requesting naloxone do not qualify for this program. Only organizations are eligible.

If you have additional questions about the NDP, please view the NDP FAQ. If your questions are not addressed in the FAQ, please contact the team by email at Naloxone@dhcs.ca.gov.


About Fentanyl Test Strips (FTS) Distribution

DHCS is providing free, all-in-one FTS kits to organizations throughout California for a limited time. To check if your organization is eligible, please see the DHCS webpage. All organizations eligible for naloxone from the NDP are also eligible to receive FTS kits. Individuals requesting FTS kits do not qualify for this program.

If you have additional questions, please view the FTS FAQ. If your questions are not addressed in the FAQ, please contact the team by email at Naloxone@dhcs.ca.gov.


Required Supplemental Documents

In addition to completing this application form, there are several supplemental documents required as part of the naloxone and fentanyl test strips application. These documents must be submitted with every application, regardless of if you’ve applied before. Please have these documents prepared and ready to upload prior to completing this online application form. To view the required supplemental documents, please see the DHCS webpage.

Additional Information Required 

If your organization has previously received naloxone from the Naloxone Distribution Project (NDP), you will be asked to provide the following additional information:

  • Date of last request for naloxone from NDP;

  • Number of kits from your previous order that have been distributed; and

  • Number of reversals (lives saved) from naloxone from your previous order.

If your organization has previously received fentanyl test strips from DHCS, you will be asked to provide the following additional information:

  • Date of last request for fentanyl test strips from DHCS; and

  • Number of fentanyl test strips from your previous order that have been distributed.

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